Katsuhiro Kohara (Professor, School of Theology, Doshisha University / Director, Center for the Study of Conscience)
“Environmental Ethics and Christianity: Considering the Individuality and Universality of Conscience”
Yoshihiko Wada (Professor, Faculty of Economics, Doshisha University)
“The Development and Application of Science and Technology Need to be under Constant and Critical Control of Multidisciplinary Eyes”
Motor Wada (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Doshisha University)
Since the East Japan Great Earthquake on March 11, 2011, the energy policy in the future Japan has been widely discussed. The Japanese government, however, tries to promote the plan in which the importance of the nuclear energy is emphasized, while the renewable energy like solar and wind energy is suppressed. To tackle these issues persistantly, it is crucial to have the fundamental knowledge of the environmental problems as well as the ethical viewpoints. In this symposium, we would like to share a variety of ecological issues with “conscience” in sight that is the spiritual foundation of Doshisha University.