Prof. Kenji Kanda (School and Graduate School of Theology, Kwansei Gakuin University)
Prof. Katsuhiro Kohara (School of Theology, Director of the Center for the Study of Conscience, Doshisha University)
Prof. Kazuhiko Yokoi (Faculty of Economics, Director of the Center for Christian Culture, Doshisha University)
Prof. Makoto Hara (School of Theology, Doshisha University)
One of the best-known among the many Christian educational institutions in Japan is Kwansei Gakuin, founded in 1889 by an American missionary, W. R. Lambuth. In this symposium, the lecturer will introduce to us the principles and the history, as well as the current efforts, of Kwansei Gakuin University, which, as in its school motto, has endeavored to develop individuals capable of embodying “Mastery for Service.” We hope to think together on this occasion about the tasks and missions of Christian universities today.