Center for the Study of Conscience


Center for the Study of Conscience > Activities > Symposium “Conscience in the Age of AI and Robotics”

Symposium “Conscience in the Age of AI and Robotics”

Jan.17(Thu),2019    16:40-18:40
Doshisha Chapel, Imadegawa Campus, Doshisha University


Prof. Tomoyuki Hiroyasu (Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences, Doshisha University)

Prof. Katsuhiro Kohara (School of Theology, Director of the Center for the Study of Conscience, Doshisha University)


Prof. Yoshio Sakurai (Graduate School of Brain Science, Doshisha University)


Prof. Shigeyuki Atarashi (Faculty of Letters, Doshisha University)

Prof. Satoshi Taguchi (Faculty of Commerce, Doshisha University)



Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-embedded robots have attracted much interest in recent years. We even hear it said that many of our jobs will be taken over by AI in the near future. In the midst of this fad, let us stop to identify the issues we need to think about, calmly evaluating the potentials and limitations of AI. In the field of automated driving, for instance, self-driving vehicles are expected to deal with its ever-changing situation in the course of operation and hence required to have not only driving skills but also a capacity for ethical judgement. We hope to think together about whether the time will ever come when we will expect or find “conscience” in artificial objects like AI.

Admission free; no reservations required.

Center for the Study of Conscience aims to examine “conscience” in contemporary society and to establish the “study of conscience” as an interdisciplinary academic field through the exploration of its possibilities for application and practice. We also aim to disseminate the research findings in Japan and abroad and to establish a new academic community in the field.